Anchors Away

Nope I’m not about to set out on a boat trip… truth be told boats aren’t really my thing being as I just learned to tread water the year before last. I’m kind of a late bloomer in case you couldn’t tell. But it is the start of a New Year. A New Journey. A New Morning at the very least and I’ve been thinking and praying about what that means to me.

I mentioned my “one word” for the year last week– It seems to be a trend among folks to simplify their resolutions maybe? Because who really wants to write out 10 habits you’re going to change or things you want to accomplish during 2015 only to break them or forget about them by Feb. 2?? Ain’t nobody got time for that…! Well, some people do and are really good at visioning and setting goals and I admire you greatly… but I haven’t figured out how to hang with that yet! Baby steps people… baby steps.

The idea of my word “Anchor” all started with this verse… anchor dusty teal

I’ve been ruminating on it for a while now. Yes I know I’m late to the whole anchor trend party in fashion and jewelry and such but oh well! When I see an anchor lately, it just makes me think about God first and foremost. He is Safe and Sure. He is hope. He is our stay. He keeps our ships from drifting to far from the shore if our hearts are left firmly in His care.

For me to carry around the weight of the world as a burden is like lugging around this heavy metal hooked thing thinking I can sustain and steady myself, when in reality, I can’t. I’m not a burden bearing animal. The only way to live is to put down that burden and let our faith sink deep and center ourselves on the only one capable of bearing it. Keeping the anchor on the boat won’t do you much good. We have to throw down and remember God’s got this thing we call life.anchor one word2

So as I bob along preparing to meet this new year I want to throw a new perspective over all I do- are my actions anchored in the Lord? If they are then my reactions will be too. Am I attaching myself to a firm foundation? Filling my cup with good and lasting things or frivolously frittering away my time? (say that five times fast..!) Am I fully connected to my rock? My God? Or am I just floating along? Is He the strongest and most important part of my life?

It will take a little more being intentional. (I think I may have some catching up to do in that area!) But I’m ready. Something’s gotta change and it starts with me.

So do you have a word for the year? Or a phrase? Are you one of my goal oriented people? Do tell…!


image via The Graphics Fairy

Linking up with Miss Holley at

15 thoughts on “Anchors Away

  1. What a great word! Anchor… my OneWord this year is Wonder… praying they both show up for us in all the best ways! Visiting from Holley’s place today!


  2. Hi Heather,

    I loved reading your post and finding out why your word for 2015 is so important to you.

    My word for this year is a Scripture verse –

    O my soul, come, praise the Eternal with all that is in me—body, emotions, mind, and will—every part of who I am— praise His holy name. O my soul, come, praise the Eternal;
    sing a song from a grateful heart; sing and never forget all the good He has done.’
    Psalm 103:1-2 VOICE

    God bless


  3. Heather,
    Love the anchor word graphic you made — I think we had the same idea with our words this year! 🙂 (And I LOVE the vintage graphic too!) I think anchor is such an interesting word and one I wouldn’t have thought of but has such deep meaning in so many ways. Brilliant! I look forward to your posts about this year. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for your sweet words Miss Valerie! I probably wouldn’t have picked it either had it not been for that verse being so lodged in my head lately : ) You know me, I ♥ vintage everything…! Have a wonderful week!!


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