Lost and Found

Fifteen minutes before leaving on vacation found me crying, with a bruise forming on top of my right cheekbone.

I had lost the fight with some of the boy’s musical gear due to my own clumsiness as I loaded it into the car and a black eye was not the baggage I had planned on carrying with me for the next six days.

Weary of last year’s vacation where sleep was in short supply and navigating traffic had me praying for Jesus to come again, I was now feeling even less inclined to leave the routine and comforts of home.

But when I fret too much about my path, that’s when I miss His footprints.

“When we expect disappointment we are clearly saying to God and others- that He is not capable of coming through for us or giving us anything better.” ~Journey devotional 10-25-16

Reading about the lame beggar asking Peter and John for alms instead of healing had me wondering if I was too focused on the details that were destined to let me down while God had more expansive travel plans in store?


Despite the unfortunate delay in leaving the state (ice packs and make-up had to be located…), we arrived at our first stop — an unexpected Gone With the Wind-esque hotel set in the middle of Sevierville, TN.– with plenty of time.


One small change of leaving last year’s marathon driving by the wayside in favor of a more leisurely trip was already having a big impact on everyone’s attitude and allowing for my favorite pastime: antique malls.

The husband joked that I was in my natural habitat as we strolled through shop after shop selling all things quirky and forgotten from another time.


Because when I’m lost in the kitsch of the past, all things feel possible in the future.


Cast-off photographs of long lost relatives, a 1951 Ladies Home Journal (complete with additional recipes pasted in by the resourceful woman who once owned it!), vintage calling cards, glittery pumpkins and bottle-brush trees were just a few unexpected treasures that made their way back with me.


The coyote sadly, had to stay… I didn’t think the kittens would approve.


With the help of the GPS (which we finally learned how to take direction from) we wandered through the middle of downtown Nashville and the downtown middle of nowhere in North Carolina (Mt. Airy).

Another unexpected treat: feasting on Miss Angels Heavenly Pies (well we opted for brownies and cake– but they were just as angelic) as we wound through back roads on the way home.


And what strikes me now are the amount of surprising things in the middle of the mundane that we encountered.

A mural in the middle of a bleak neighborhood.


Church in a bar.


A Greek goddesses in the middle of a southern city?


The Parthenon in Nashville was by far the most unexpected delight (well maybe closely tied with 8th Avenue Antiques…). First constructed in 1897 for the state’s centennial celebration, the structure was never intended to weather the changing seasons.


By the early 1900’s, partially in ruins, it was slated to come down but the citizens couldn’t bear to see it demolished so instead they rebuilt the structure with more permanent materials.

It’s the only full scale replica of this famed Greek structure and it stands proudly in the “Athens of the South” hosting an ever changing art gallery and more recently, Athena — the Grecian deity of learning and wisdom.


As our voices echoed in the hall, we admired the architecture and expanse and I was filled with awe, not at what man had created but with what God can do.

How He shows up in unlikely places.

How He changes unloving hearts.

How He brings blessings unexpected.

All in His perfect timing.

God measures out what is best for us eternally rather than temporarily, what is best for our character rather than our sense of convenience. ~ Journey Devotional 10-25-16

Wherever I wander on this earth, I know I’ll never be lost if I walk with Him.


Seek God and Don’t Worry. Trust God and DO the next thing.

You never know what you might find.

It’s my pleasure to create connection, community and sometimes cute stuff just for you- Click right here to find out more and to get your set of printable scripture cards! Can’t wait to see you soon in your inbox.

Linking up with these lovely blogs below!




Dance With Jesus

Seeking God

The Luke 2:52 Project

31 thoughts on “Lost and Found

    1. Us graceful junk loving girls gotta stick together, right? ♥ Thanks for popping over and leaving your sweet comment! I’ll admit- you had me at yard sale when I visited your blog! Pleasure to meet you girl!

      Liked by 1 person

  1. So thankful Heather you visited my blog about unplugging so I had the chance to read this delightful travel blog..just love your fun-loving way..so sorry about the bruise but I see you found a way to enjoy a leisurely journey..I just love those sorts of trips and antique stores are some of my favorite. I laughed at the coyote since I saw a real one on Sunday on a Sunday drive through an Native American reservation! Love this quote “When we expect disappointment we are clearly saying to God and others- that He is not capable of coming through for us or giving us anything better.” ..I tend to underestimate the power of God. We just need to believe and have faith, surrendering to His amazing will and grace!! Hope to visit again!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. So glad you ventured over and said hello again! I think we all tend to make God too small when we let our great expectations get all out of whack! And I know we have some coyotes out in the countryside of VA where we live, but even though I felt sorry for that little guy- that’s the one I’d rather see! LOL! Hope you’re having a beautiful, peaceful unplugged kind of week! ♥


  2. Oh girl your two journal entries were awesome!!! I am locked out of my Twitter due to a glitch but if I weren’t I’d be sharing your words there -hashtaggin’ and all. This was super. I really love the Greek building right there in TN?!? I never knew! Also never pondered much on the beggar asking for something less than healing, and THAT makes me want to expect good from God instead of feeling bad, as if I am asking too much from Him as my Father. Thanks for much gold here today, friend!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hey Meg! I know what a surprise, right? I don’t put much stock in Greek mythology, but the history and architecture and romance wrapped up in it really spoke to me– it’s well worth a visit next time you’re in TN 🙂 And Yep that beggar really made me think too— nothing is too big to expect from God, yet how often do we make our requests too small? Hope you are well friend! ♥


  3. Hi Heather,
    So glad you had an enjoyable trip this time around and so many fun vintage things you discovered! I love those little Christmas trees and what a fun pie shop you happened upon! How was the hotel that looked like Tara? Looks like you had a spectacular time and the change of pace was just what you needed to inspire you!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hey there! It’s been up and down getting back into the swing of things post vacation, but I really did enjoy it this time and came back with such peace! The Tara hotel was full of little old people– I think we were the youngest folks there! LOL! But it was just our speed- friendly, comfy and clean- though it could have used a little updated interior design in the rooms, the ‘grandness’ and the movie memorabilia inside were worth it 😉


      1. LOL!!! Too funny!! Usually I wouldn’t but all I could think of were the old Looney Tunes cartoons of my youth- with the coyote and the road runner and he just made me laugh!!


  4. Fun times! I would so love to look through that women’s journal, and the calling cards are so neat! I had often pictured them much plainer in my head when reading the dated Christian romance novels. I love what you brought out about the beggar. Food for thought for sure!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Heather I loved this little picture tour and seeing some of your finds – great pics!!! and that Parthenon WOW. So pleased you took the leisurely route and left room for the unexpected. I love when that happens. Yes and amen He shows up in unlikely places – thats all the encouragement I need today. Love and prayers your way my friend xx

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I love this post! We, too, love to frequent old antique stores! You just never what you will find. I apologize that it has taken me so long to return your visit. I am only now getting to reply to your sweet comment from last month. I think the Lord knew I would need the encouragement tonight, so He allowed me to see it! God bless you…it was so nice to “meet” you!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aww Cheryl! You’re welcome anytime- and you’re never too late! ♥ God is so good- always connecting us with what we need to hear at just the right time. xo & Blessings to you!


  7. You have a real skill of storytelling, and I think it’s really fun the way you pull all your photos into it too. I’m very glad I found your blog through Grace and Truth, and I look forward to exploring more of your posts!

    Liked by 1 person

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