Living at The Speed of Life

I felt like a teenager again- and not in a good way.

Dressing for court in my most grown-up ensemble and bringing along the boy for moral support (or a scared straight tactic…whichever…) I faced a judge for the first time in my driving career last summer. Mercifully, he granted driving school for the speeding ticket I was given months before.

Looking back, the tendency to speed could be genetic…

Eager to be redeemed in the eyes of the court and put the whole ordeal behind me, I came straight home, changed into my comfy clothes and hit the books- burying myself in the online curriculum and prepping for the test (!) I would have to take on a public computer at the end of my lessons.

Later that night, after passing the exam, I pushed through the library doors into the humid evening air and laughed as I caught the reflection of my t-shirt in the glass, “Welcome to Mayberry” it declared above a 50’s style police cruiser and these sentiments below:

“Life is short. Enjoy the Ride.”

The refresher course in defensive driving took me back to all the studying I did in high school and dredged up miles of memories like navigating friendships, getting up to speed with computers and charting the right course in my choice of classes.

Challenging stuff at any age.

Finishing with honors, I stood before the whole graduating class to give my valedictory speech. With enormous pouf-y bangs peaking out from beneath the mortar board cap, and as much wisdom as a shaky 18 year old could muster, I held up a shiny silver quarter and likened it to life.

Much like the coin, we can spend life any way we wish, but we can only spend it once.

And here I was almost 20 years later, spending it in court fees and a million other ways I never imagined.

That fast pace and skewed focus was costing me my peace and I wanted it back.

Some seasons feel long and bumpy and enjoyment seems a long way off. We get so busy lamenting what we’re missing and rushing around chasing the lies of “if only I had more time, tools, sleep, money, schooling, help, room, exercise, or quiet, things would go so much smoother.”

Never grasping that this is it.

One small life. So short in its dusks and dawns. A blip on the radar of eternity.

To spend it always fast forwarding to the next minute or hour or year is blasphemy to the one who numbers our days.

And never grasping that instant gratification isn’t gratifying at all because your hope and your endurance has no time to develop in the waiting and the longing.

To eradicate hurry and rush is a struggle but a necessary practice.

It hasn’t been an easy or pretty process mind you, growing up is always awkward… curly hair and all..

As with any habit, there’s practice in involved and lessons to hold on to.

There are plenty of pains, ugly cries and correction. (I had all of those and more just in relation to that ticket..!)

We have to learn to slow down.

We have to relearn who in charge.

{Contrary to popular belief, it’s not us…}

We have to magnify our great God not our meager circumstances.

 Always be full of joy in the Lord. I say it again—rejoice! Let everyone see that you are considerate in all you do. Remember, the Lord is coming soon. Don’t worry about anything; instead, PRAY about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. THEN you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus. ~ Philippians 4:4-7

The song was right- oh what peace we often forfeit…all because we don’t still ourselves often enough to carry EVERYTHING to God in prayer.

When we surrender control to the Master we gain life. When we choose to speak life, He grants us peace. With peace, we slow down and gain traction.

Are you waiting on the Lord or rolling full speed ahead?

Even youths shall faint and be weary, and young men shall fall exhausted; but they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint. ~ Isaiah 40:30-31

If you’re longing for simple pleasures and a little more slowing down, won’t you join in by putting your email in here? {And you’ll get a cute printable set of scripture cards as a bonus!} So glad you’re here! xo

Sometimes I link up with these lovely blogs


17 thoughts on “Living at The Speed of Life

  1. I love this post and especially this:

    “One small life. So short in its dusks and dawns. A blip on the radar of eternity.

    To spend it always fast forwarding to the next minute or hour or year is blasphemy to the one who numbers our days.”

    Words I needed to hear. Thank you sister!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Oh how I needed this this morning. My favorite verse in Isaiah. You are so right to be thankful for all we have been blessed with and not worry about what will be. God will take care of it all in his time. Love you girl and you are such an inspiration.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. So cute! All your childhood photos are treasures! Slowing down (in so many ways) offers us the opportunity to listen and reflect, something that gets crowded out with our busy schedules. I can imagine that the visit to the courthouse would be most unnerving, but what a great perspective you took away from the experience – -and even better, you shared it with all of us! xo

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hey there! Yes it took a while to gain some perspective on that whole ordeal, but glad I could share my mess-ups with an understanding audience 🙂 Here’s to slowing down more this summer to hear that still small voice ♥ Hope you are having a great week my dear!


  4. Love this post… I’m on zoom mode at work all day, then when I get home, there’s nothing left. Thanks for the reminder to SLOW DOWN!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. For the printable, go to the bottom of the post and just click this line “won’t you join in by putting your email in here” then pop your email in the box that pops up and they will automatically come right to you : )

      Liked by 1 person

  5. “To eradicate hurry and rush is a struggle but a necessary practice” Oh so true , I’m working on it friend, practicing slow, practicing trust. Thank you for the reminder – I need it everyday it seems. That scripture from Isaiah !!!!! 🙌👏. Such a sweet graduation photo – I’ like the bangs. Oh the things you could tell her 👍. I have a few other of your posts I’m off to catch up on. God bless. Xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That Isaiah scripture is a lot of people’s favorite, it’s so good ♥ And yes I could clue that girly in on a whole lot of stuff almost 20 years on the other side of that hair! Here’s to a slow and measured summer with lots of time to trust and wait on the Lord. Blessings on you girl! xox


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