Falling into a Season of Simple

For a good part of a year or two now, I’ve been plotting and planning how I would get back to the mountains for a hike. Since it’s not good to hike alone, I pestered proposed a trip to several friends but nothing panned out. In my discouragement I finally prayed and let it go. And then, last weekend I got invited to channel my inner 6th grader and lead worship at a youth retreat in – you guessed it, the mountains – complete with my favorite, a water fall.

It has come to my attention that I grab this shirt every time I run off to commune with nature… See exhibit A here. Is it an unwritten rule that outdoor excursions call for plaid?

Back home, I sat at my desk reviewing the weekend and watched the leaves drop, lazily swooping in the wind as they made their way to the ground. Colors peaking and waving on every branch ushering in my favorite season and I contemplated the ‘leaves’ I’ve dropped lately — most notably keeping up with you here online…

Turns out, there is a time to plant and a time to uproot, a time to speak and a time to be silent.

Seasons are not just for the earth but for our lives.

This year of “flourishing” so far has looked nothing like I thought it would. For most of it, I’ve felt stuck in the ground through sickness – of both the physical and mental persuasion – this blog lying dormant while God has been uprooting, planting and working out a lot of lessons in me.

And only the Savior can help us make sense of these seasons.

He promises that what is hidden will be made known. The seed will eventually sprout because nothing is concealed that won’t be revealed – for better or worse.

I’m no gardener but I have read that the best time to feed and fertilize is in the fall. And because you can’t pour more into pot that’s already full I initiated my own feeding this fall by quieting the frantic emails and social media that came everyday pulling me in all directions and dove into books and videos only from select folks.

And ever so slowly, I’ve started to find those fruits springing up – patience, love, joy, kindness – sweet tastes of what a life lived simply can be like.

{I even bought a plant for my desk at work to help me keep things in perspective.}

In case you need some fertilizing too, here are a few sources that have meant the world to me:

  • Life in Grace Facebook live videos and the Overflow course -sooo much good stuff, practical applications and encouragement in her sites. It’s where I learned to bullet journal and it’s become a life changer. All the notes, ideas, quotes, to-dos, goals and lists simplified in one neat place complete with a table of contents!
  • All the Pretty Things by Edie Wadsworth – I won’t lie, this one made me cry something fierce… so don’t read it at work during your lunch break… you’ve been warned.
  • When God Builds a Church by Bob Russell – if you’re involved at your church in any leadership capacity, I highly recommend giving this a read.
  • Experiencing God Study – I’m smack in the middle of this and it continues to blow my mind and challenge my perception of God and what it really means to truly experience Him.
  • Jordan Feliz, The River CD – a parting gift from the retreat with my favorites so far being tracks 3, 7 & 10. Two of which may induce dancing in your seat… go ahead, I dare you to listen…
  • The Chronological Bible – I have tried and tried other bible reading plans but I always end up back here… because it’s simple and in order according to the timeline.

Time and again I’ve been nothing short of amazed as themes wove themselves together in the yarns of the books and bible passages I was reading, through Sunday School lessons for the week and tied neatly up in the online course I was taking.

Gathered threads bound into one chord of truth.

All of life [could] be distilled to two things – trusting that we are loved by God and finding tangible ways to give that love away to others. Too often we had complicated His simple plan when our hearts had fallen for anything else but Him. ~ Edie Wadsworth, All the Pretty Things

Is it really that simple?

Yes and no.

In the Experiencing God study we learned that we do not have to dream up what we can do for God, just watch where He is working and be willing to join in.

Most of the time that looks like serving – and often times serving difficult people or in difficult situations.

But clarity comes through taking action by serving and God is always faithful to bring the harvest home.

What are you sowing this season? Do you have any tips for keeping things simple?

I can’t wait to hear from you!

Need some encouragement to keep it simple in serving?

Put your email here and not only will you get a set of scripture cards, you’ll also receive this positive print!

Use the quotes as journaling prompts or print them out to remind you of God’s grace and goodness.

See you in your inbox soon!


17 thoughts on “Falling into a Season of Simple

  1. 1. You are adorable and brilliant and funny and wise and clever.
    2. That is a great shirt, worthy of repeat performances.
    3. I just saw a quote about doing what waiters do when you’re in a season of waiting: serve. Am trying to remember that, because I always feel like I’m waiting for something.
    4. I’m not sure what I’m sowing this season (stock mom answer: patience?), but I keep coming back to a new year’s “guiding principle” I adopted a few years back (which has stuck probably mostly because I didn’t call it a resolution): just do the next thing. The next right thing I can figure out that God is calling me to do. The next good thing that has to be done. Etc. Repeat ad infinitum.


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    1. ♥ Aww shucks… You’re too kind Elizabeth 🙂 Yes to your #4 sooo much! I think it was Emily Freeman who said just do the next right thing in love…! And I love the mantra of a “guiding principle”– I’m not good with anything that even remotely sounds like resolution or goal… they freak me out. And I’m with you on #3… always waiting but learning that serving makes the wait soo much better. Thanks for your sweet comments here today, friend! xo ♥

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  2. Hi Heather,
    What a treat that your retreat (ha!) was in the mountains and after all your efforts to get there didn’t pan out, you were appointed there anyway — love that! A time for everything — including rest and silence — are some of the things our souls crave, even when we’re not sure that we need it or think it’s not a good time for it. But as the seasons change and God changes our hearts and desires, we wait on him, looking for fulfillment that only he can bring. Good to see you here again! xoxo

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hey you! Haha! Always love your humor 🙂 — and I love your observation– I was appointed there…! ♥ God sure knows best without a doubt! Happy to be back though not sure what the rhythm might be, I’m just going to keep doing the next thing He tells me. ♥ Happy Wednesday dear one. xo


  3. …He promises that what is hidden will be made known. The seed will eventually sprout because nothing is concealed that won’t be revealed – for better or worse.

    Very timely, Heather. Thank you, again.


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  4. So glad you got your time in the mountains you’d been longing for and for the themes God is weaving together in your heart and glad for the time of feeding and quiet you have had. Tuning out so we can tune in to Him can do us such a world of good spirit and soul. I loved this thought “we do not have to dream up what we can do for God, just watch where He is working and be willing to join in”. Life giving words Heather thank you. xx

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    1. Dear Tracey I am remiss in replying to your ever encouraging comments and for that I apologize! Still relishing the quiet here and contemplating here what the next steps- at least online- are. Happy Summer to you and yours! Here’s to a slow and simple season of advent and seeing where God moves us! xo ♥


  5. There is something so cathartic about spending time in the woods. I don’t think I could ever live outside of the forest. I love the mountains. Hiking into high lakes and waterfalls are wonderful reminders of creation and beauty. I made it through my Bible last year from front to back. That was a chore! worth it but definitely a large undertaking. Have a wonderful holiday!

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