Rock Conquers All

In my living room there’s a print bought from a Target long ago right when my family expanded beyond just me and the two felines that says, “Rock Conquers All”. We are all music lovers so it was very fitting at the time. If you squint you can see it right behind the chair below the map in the corner that has a lot of stuff going on as my husband says. I told him it was a gallery wall. He’s still on the fence.

But I love to snuggle up there with a good book among all my favorite pictures and remembrances. To me it’s cozy. Blank walls intimidate me.

Then I read 1 Peter 2 and that musical print took on a whole new meaning. Not only are we to be “living stones” for Jesus, He’s the cornerstone that we should be building on. Coupled with Psalm 18 which declared in different verses, “who but God is a solid rock and praise to my rock” the foundation was laid to reaffirm in my soul where I should be standing. It didn’t hurt that I had a laugh at thinking about being a living stone and wondered if that meant I was Jesus’ pet rock?? Awesome affirming passages are just what I needed to hear this week.

Our “Rock” does indeed conquer all.

When I feel weak kneed or undone by fear, I need to check my foundation. Am I grounded in the word of God? Am I truly trusting Jesus? I’m learning when I find myself all wound up oftentimes it’s because I’m living in the future of unknowns or the past of regret and I’ve forgotten who the Master of time really is. (Here’s a hint: It’s not you or me…hard but true.)

Faith is acting like it is so, even when it is not so, so that it might be so, simply because God said so. ~ Dr. Tony Evans

And if God says anything is to be so, then it’s a promise.

I don’t know about you, but I need all the reminders I can get of His promise daily from scriptures and quotes placed in my house, music on my radio and remembrances on my jewelry. My favorite ring besides my wedding rings that I never take off is a thin flat metal band imprinted with the word FAITH. Another outward show of an inward commitment. The letters in fact remind me that “Forsaking All I Trust Him.” If you know other acronyms for it I’m all ears! Feel free to share them in the comments below.

In reading Proverbs this morning I was reminded about some other outward signs that signal to others where we stand. I love the imagery about how to wear them…

Never let loyalty and kindness leave you! Tie them around your neck as a reminder. Write them deep within your heart. ~ Proverbs 3:3

Other translations say to “write them upon the tablet of your heart”. Any thing written in stone is true and binding and dependable.

And later on it goes on to say,

My child, don’t lose sight of common sense and discernment. Hang on to them, for they will refresh your soul. They are like jewels on a necklace. ~ Proverbs 3:21-22

I’ve always been a fan of jewelry and even more so know when it has purpose or uplifting word behind it. But we should never let our adornments overshadow how we wear our actions.

Are we modeling kindness and discernment?

Are we wearing out good attitudes instead of wallowing in the grumpy ones of yesterday?

Do I fully trust that He cares for me even more than the birds of the field?

My singing partner and sister-friend came by last night offering this song for next month’s selection in the contemporary service that we lead and I can’t get it out of my head.

Dig deep my friends, the rock solid love of Jesus is sometimes buried under heaps of rubble we carry around in our own heart but it’s a treasure worth digging for.

Linking up with some other lovely rock stars at Coffee for Your Heart…

8 thoughts on “Rock Conquers All

  1. Well I kind of like the idea of being Jesus’ pet rock! (That gave me quite a laugh this Friday!) I’m loving all the jewelry photos, but I’m especially loving the reminder that Jesus is our solid rock and we can anchor ourselves to him no matter what our emotions, circumstances or fears are telling us. Wearing these reminders always gives me a lift, too, since my eye falls on a bracelet or ring so many times throughout the day. Love the quote from Dr. Tony Evans too!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Very nice post & pretty pictures! You are getting quite good with the camera! Speaking of rocks,
    didn’t we learn a song at camp when you were 5 years old about “Jesus is the Rock of my Salvation”? How about the acronym of “Forever Anchored In The Hope” for FAITH since one of your favorite verses is Hebrews 6:19a. Have a great weekend & I’ll see you Sunday. ❤

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